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Tom Ford's Favorite Things

TomFord.jpgShopping fix : "Any hardware store - for any tools that I don't have"

Internet shopping site : "I'm a total addict. I can stay up all night shopping. It's all about horldeverything.com. I could buy containers and boxes and baskets and drawers organizers all day."

Bands : "Roxy Music, The Beatles and The Bee Gees. If I am feeling blue, a good dose of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack and a martini always does the trick."

Films : "My favorite classic is Vertigo. I could watch even just the opening credits over and over. Any Hitchcock film will do, actually. My favorite cheesy film is Zardoz with Sean Connery. He wears a red sumo diaper. Very bad and very cool."

Best costumes in a film : Elizabeth Taylor in Boom.

Pop culture icon : "Andy Warhol was such a visionary.

Teenage crush : "Serena in Bewitched. She was so bad and wicked. She would have been fun to hang out with. I also thought Ali McGraw was the most wonderful woman I had ever seen when she came out of the pool in Good Bye Colombus."

Outfit : "Black velvet jacket, Levi's jeans, white shirt. In terms of essentials every man should also own a black classic suit, a great watch, a beautiful pair of black shoes, a nose-hair trimmer and Q-tips."

Scents : "Amber, vanilla, chocolate, coffee, my do's ears."

Vice : "I eat very healthy food but also several chocolate bars per day. Cheap ones."

Junk food : "Pizza."

Cocktail : "Vodka tonic."

Restaurants : "London - Mark's club ; Paris - Kaviar caspia ; NY - Bemelmans bar ; L.A - La Dolce Vita."

Hotel : "I love the Beverly Hills hotel."

Type of party : "A small black tie dinner at home is a great way to make an evening special for no real reason."

Vacation : "I love going to Africa on safari. It puts things in perspective."

Advice for starlets : "The ultimate in chic not to carry anything."

Présent under 100 $ : "I usually send bottles of scotch or vodka."

Présents for a woman : "Most women I know would prefer attention to a gift. But a great pair of high heels or a big diamond always works."

Present for a man : "A box of engraved note cards and a beautiful pen is a much more interesting gift than techno-gadgets.

Traditions : "I love Christmas in Santa Fe. My favorite New Year Eve is staying in and watching old movies with my better half and our dog."

What every guy should resolve to learn : "By age 20, kiss ; by age 30, dress ; by age 40, pay for things ; by age 50, relax and enjoy life."


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