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Style Like U

Haley from Stylelikeu.com from Stylelikeu on Vimeo.

Occupation: graphic designer and student

Haley is like a little girl in her grandmother’s closet, with her yellow 50’s shoes and watermelon shift. She can carry off her 80’s bathing suits like no one and on her, with her striking long hair and Cher-like beauty, everything kitsch is as cool and earthy as could be. Haley’s floral pants from the street mixed with her mom’s sheer top and python boots is all boy meets girl with a rock and roll feel - “I was always kind of a tomboy, so I am trying to step up my woman game and wear things more feminine,” she says. Haley’s sensibility, with her bold prints and color, is so her own and underivative, that she is someone I would love to see walk ot of her door everyday.

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