Luxirare Lollipops Pies
The different flavors.
Cinnamon, Sugar, cornstarch, these three were the main ingredients used to hype the filling. Cornstarch is for thickening.
I made blackberry filling with just sugar and cornstarch.
I label all my homemade jams and fillings. For some reason images work better for me than text. Sometimes I look at text and I don't know what its saying
With the same lolipop stick, I've sealed the pie, making indents all around the pop.
Very crucial to slather egg whites on pie exterior. This is what gives it the "Betty Crocker" touch. Without this, the pies wouldn't look as blistered or nicely toasted.
Pies to go. Work friendly, Driving friendly, Boyfriend friendly, Cellulite friendly, and embarrassment free pie pops.
In case you're into saving desserts, this is fridge friendly too. Pop em out when your friends are over. Or not.
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