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Polyvore : Serena @ Oscars

serena at the oscars
serena at the oscars - par melissuhuhuhuh on Polyvore.com

From 9-5, behind the counter in style

from 9-5, behind the counter in style
from 9-5, behind the counter in style - par melissuhuhuhuh on Polyvore.com

Polyvore : "****" 4 stars ! haha

"****" 4 stars! haha
"****" 4 stars! haha - par melissuhuhuhuh on Polyvore.com

Polyvore : blair waldorf meets rebecca bloomwood

blair waldorf meets rebecca bloomwood
blair waldorf meets rebecca bloomwood - par melissuhuhuhuh on Polyvore.com


not so casual at starbucks
not so casual at starbucks - par melissuhuhuhuh on Polyvore.com

I love you....and hate you

i love you....and hate you.
i love you....and hate you. - par melissuhuhuhuh on Polyvore.com

16:24 Publié dans Art Zone | Lien permanent | Commentaires (1) | Tags : polyvore |  Facebook

From catwalk to curb

from catwalk to curb
from catwalk to curb - par melissuhuhuhuh on Polyvore.com


Un set Polyvore
Un set Polyvore - par melissuhuhuhuh on Polyvore.com

Polyvore : i need my copy !

i need my copy!
i need my copy! - par melissuhuhuhuh on Polyvore.com